Tech Tips
Beginning with the Winter newsletter of 1998, "The Old Salt" - Bill Whitney, owner of #214 Gaivota, has written a series of articles on technical tips, centering on electrical subjects. If you have a question or a suggestion for a future technical tip article, send a note to Bill at
Marine Electrical Wiring
Connectors, Terminals and Battery Clamps
Bonding and Grounding Systems
Radios and Antennas
Instruments and Instrumentation
Removing Opening Cabin Ports
Cabin Top Leaks
Loss of a Rudder - Preventing Electrolysis
Engine Overheating
Spring Commissioning
Winter Maintenance of Batteries
Jack Stands
Dinghy Dolly
Give Me A Little Leeway
Cruising Lessons
Space Weather & Marine Navigation
The Mighty Staysail
Lazy Jacks & Topping Lifts
Choosing a Cleaning Product
Swinging the Compass
Checking the Marine Alternator or Generator Output
Cleaning Your Freshwater Tanks
It’s Not Too Late - Winterizing
Passenger Onboard Safety
Mildew Problems
Corrosion You Never Knew You Had
The Right Brush for the Right Job
Homebrew Bronze Cleaner