Membership Information
Thank you for your interest in membership in the Friendship Sloop Society. We are a group of sloop owners and family members, trades people, and other interested parties who share a love of these historic and seaworthy vessels. We presently have 285 registered sloops, and count as good friends many members who don't own a Sloop of their own (even some who prefer just to look at boats and keep their feet on dry land).
The Society was founded in the early 1960s. Through the years our activities have grown in number. We have held several rendezvous / regattas along the New England coast in past years, in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine (see the "Schedule of Events" page off the home page for a complete list of events and dates). We hold our annual meeting in the Portland, Maine area a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. This is always a great time—we take care of the business end of things pertaining to the Society, trade stories, renew acquaintances, and start new friendships.
As an active member you are most welcome to participate in every one of our events and functions. There may be skippers looking for crew if you wish to race.
July, 2023 was the twenty-nineth year we held our annual Homecoming Rendezvous (our major event) at the Rockland, ME, waterfront. This year also marked the 63rd Homecoming Rendezvous held on the coast of Maine. The first homecoming was held in July, 1961 in Friendship. In 2023 we had three great days of gamming, racing, and weather (no fog!), and everyone headed home with many fond memories. Thirty sloops participated in 2010 at our 50th Homecoming, including a few that had never come to the Homecoming event. We encourage everyone to sail to Rockland, even if they don't want to actively participate in the races. It is always a wonderful sight to see the Friendships rafted together at the dock in Rockland!
You'll find a copy of our membership application on the Web site. You can download and complete it, and mail it to me at the address below. If you have questions about the Society and its functions I will be happy to answer them for you.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Carole Wojcik, Membership Secretary
347 Lincoln Street
Norwell, MA 02061