Article IV, Section C 8, of the 1994 Constitution, Duties of the Secretary, calls for maintaining a list of the Standing Committees with written descriptions of committee duties and the name of the current Chairman.
Authentication Committee
The Authentication Committee shall consist of a Measurer who will serve as Chairman and two members appointed by the Measurer.
Chairman: Dick Salter
1. Determine the proper handicap ratings for each yacht from the measurements provided by the owner an a form approved by the Executive Committee. Conduct a continuing program with sloop owners to keep the ratings up to date.
2. Rule on the eligibility of a sloop to be a true Friendship Sloop when an owner applies for listing of the sloop and membership in the Society.
3. Assign all Friendship Sloops to one of two basic classes as follows based on specifications obtained from authoritative sources as a guide:
Class A Originals Friendship Sloops built before 1920 and approved by the Authentication Committee.
Class B Replicas Friendship Sloops built in 1920 and thereafter and approved by the Authentication Committee.
Friendship Day Committee
The Friendship Day Committee shall consist of a Chairman who shall appoint as many additional members as deemed advisable to arrange for Society events, including the Memorial Service, in conjunction with Friendship Day at Friendship, Maine.
Chairman: Bill & Caroline Zuber
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of a Chairman and as many additional members appointed by the Chairman as deemed advisable.
Chairman: Carole Wojcik
1. Encourage and promote active membership participation in the Society's activities by establishing and maintaining contact with the membership. Encourage and promote new memberships through active communication with all those demonstrating an interest in the Society. Distribute membership application forms as requested. Welcome new members to the Society.
2. Develop an information base of current data relative to Friendship Sloops including new construction, extensive rebuilding, sloops lost and changes in ownership.
3. Contribute to accurate Society records of membership and historical data by communicating such information directly to the Secretary and Registrar.
4. Prepare an annual budget for operation of the Committee.
Newsletter Committee
The Newsletter Committee shall consist of a Chairman and as many additional members appointed by the Chairman as deemed necessary.
Chairman: Laurie Raymond
1. Solicit and collect material for each newsletter including articles from the membership.
2. Maintain an editorial policy that produces newsletters of current and timely information yet does not conflict with the more historical character of the Yearbook material .
3. Edit, publish and mail at least two Newsletters per year.
4. Prepare an annual budget for production and distribution of the Newsletter.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chairman and two members appointed by the Executive Committee.
Chairman: Appointed by the Executive Committee annually.
1. Certify as a candidate for elective office any member in good standing, who in its judgment qualifies.
2. Report the nominations to the Secretary no later than 30 days before the annual meeting. The Secretary shall notify the nominees of their selection immediately, and unless a written declaration to the contrary is filed with the Secretary, arrange for their names to appear on the ballot.
3. Present to the membership at the annual meeting candidates for the various elected offices.
Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee shall consist of a Chairman and as many additional members appointed by the Chairman as deemed necessary.
Chairman: Richard & Karen Schwartz
1. Develop and maintain a current mailing list of appropriate publicity sources and closing dates for material.
2. Provide appropriate print, radio and TV media sources with timely information and photographs on the activities of the Society, particularly the annual regattas and the annual meeting. The objective of the publicity is to increase general familiarity with Friendship Sloops and their role in the maritime history of New England.
3. Keep in communication with the Secretary and Standing Committee Chairmen to anticipate upcoming events of publicity value or Society news items.
4. Prepare an annual budget for the operation of the Committee.
Race Committee
The Race Committee shall consist of a Chairman and three others appointed by the Chairman. The other appointees need not be members.
Chairman: Richard Langton
1. Be responsible for on-the-water race activities, plot the courses, set the starting and finishing lines, officiate at the start, set marks as needed, observe at marks, take times and apply handicaps to score each race. The results of each race shall be posted in a conspicuous place as soon after each race as possible.
2. Manage the procurement and distribution of trophies for the annual regatta.
3. Convene when necessary a Protest Committee selected by the Chairman to hear and decide protests.
4. Prepare an annual budget for operation of the Committee.
The Registrar Committee shall consist of the Registrar and any additional members appointed by the Registrar as deemed necessary.
Registrar: John Wojcik
1. Maintain the official list of all Friendship sloops, existing or lost, including the sloop name, previous names, owner and owner's address, builder, sloop number, sloop class, home port and other pertinent information.
2. Trace ownership of all Friendship Sloops to their origin where ever possible.
3. Assist the Maine Maritime Museum Librarian in maintaining the Friendship Sloop Society records and historical material.
4. Assign sloop registration numbers to sloops approved by the Authentication Committee.
5. Prepare an annual budget for operation of the Committee.
Yearbook Committee
The Yearbook Committee shall consist of the Chairman and additional members appointed by the Chairman as deemed necessary.
Chairman: George Hagerty
1. Collect and edit material primarily of historical value relative to the Society and to both existing and past Friendship Sloops. Prepare the Yearbook for publishing in the spring of each year. Negotiate cost and delivery with the printer.
2. Arrange with the printer to have the book published and distributed to the Secretary for mailing to the membership and to advertisers prior to the annual regatta.
3. Encourage purchase of advertisements and notices to the book by the members.
4. Prepare an annual budget for publishing and distributing the book.