2007 Rockland Homecoming
Our Thanks to Dave Richards for sending us the following pictures:

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Roger Lee

Penny Richards & Marcia Morang

Roger Lee

Jeff Cronin, Marcia Morang & Roger Lee



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Tannis Crew



Gaivota, Tannis & Salatia

Echo, Salatia, Tannis, Gaivota Tannis & Gladiator

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Gladiator & Banshee Salatia, Sarah Mead, Sazerac & 
Seven Girls
Tannis Hieronymous Gladiator & Tannis Sazerac, Resolute, Sarah Mead

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  Thursday's Start Resolute & Sazerac Banshee, Gaivota & Phoenix Echo, Salatia & Sazerac  

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Tannis Tannis No wind... and the fog rolls in Calm Calm

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Calm Calm Calm Announcing the Parade of Sloops Sazerac Sarah Mead

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Banshee Echo Gaivota Tannis Tannis Rights of Man

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Rights of Man Phoenix Phoenix Gladiator Salatia Tannis

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Saturday's Start Saturday Tannis Tannis Runnin' with the Wind Rights of Man

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Rights of Man just ahead... Echo Rights of Man Tannis & Phoenix Tannis Tannis

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Tannis Tannis Tannis Tannis Phoenix Tannis & Phoenix

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Tannis Tannis Finishing Saturday Phoenix Finishing Saturday